If you need trained applicants, we’ve got a solution.
Tired of sifting through resumés of under-qualified applicants? Looking for a way to connect with your community? Build a workforce for the tough sections of your business from the ground up. Toolworks can develop internship and training programs that create a pool of potential applicants trained to the specifications of your business.
Toolworks uses the highly successful Project SEARCH model of internship and training for people with disabilities. We identify tasks and departments most suited to the abilities of the individuals we serve, and provide an on-site trainer as interns work through their rotations. Classroom instruction develops worksite proficiencies and the soft skills needed to be successful in employment.
Internship and training programs provide you with a way to increase your pool of qualified applicants as well as demonstrate your commitment to inclusive work environments. We currently have curriculum developed for the healthcare and financial sectors. Let’s create an internship program for your business!
Get connected to internship opportunities. Contact Kristy Feck at info@toolworks.org.