If you have an open position, we have the person for the job.
Forget about high staff turnover and constant retraining. We can provide you with qualified, reliable, and exceptional candidates who aren’t just there for the season or until they find something better. Our applicants are motivated and dependable, and more than that, they offer a different perspective.
Toolworks offers job matching services, connecting you with qualified, pre-screened applicants. We work with you to identify positions that would be well suited for individuals with disabilities. We also provide consultation around easy, low-cost accommodations and supports.
And our services don’t stop when someone is hired. We provide on-the-job training for employees with disabilities, help employers access tax credits and other incentives, and provide onsite training on disability awareness and diversity.
We are always available to help you through every step of employment, providing resources when it’s time for a person to be trained on new tasks, if there is a request for accommodation, or when they are promoted to a new position.
Get connected to recruitment services. Contact Kristy Feck at info@toolworks.org.